James "Jamie" Carnwath


James Carnwath:           *24.4.76

James is the youngster of the band and he plays the double bass. He teached himself playing this instrument and in my opinion he did a very good job on that. If you ask me I would say he has got the funniest facial expressions of these guys and he seems to go mad while playing the double bass. When he was a baby he is said to get to Englad in a shoe carton. Should I put my kids in a shoe carton as well so they will become that talented??? At the age of 11 he moved to Germany with his parents and so he speaks english and german. In the cast of 2002 he was first cast for Joe B. Mauldin at the musical of "Buddy Holly" in Hamburg. There he met the Wolfman. The positions in which Jamie plays his instrument are very interesting. *g* You should have a look!
